E-Cut Alu – maximum efficiency in aluminum machining

03 04 Understanding the process is key to success: In addition to their many years of professional experience, our FRAISA application engineers attend intensive training workshops several times a year to ensure they are always up to date with the latest technology. We sell solutions that make our customers’ production more efficient and cost-effective. Your benefits: Y our account manager at FRAISA knows your specific requirements and uses their expertise to find the best possible solution for your needs. Carbide tools consist mainly of highly valuable raw materi- als such as tungsten and cobalt, which means reconditio- ning them normally makes sense. FRAISA has a highly au - tomated service center for industrial tool reconditioning and it’s this that enables us to guarantee we can restore your tools to their original new-tool performance level. Your benefits: Y our reconditioned FRAISA tools can be used again and again in autonomous processes and still guarantee full process reliability. FRAISA ReTool®: reliability you can rely on FRAISA application know-how: many years of expertise and intensive training FRAISA E-Cut Alu