FRAISA Annual Report 20/21

Sustainability at FRAISA Life cycle assessment as the basis for a sustainable future “We consider our environment to be an asset worthy of pro- tection” – this is one of the six principles of the corporate mis- sion statement of FRAISA. Simultaneously, we are convinced that industrial production does not oppose ecological, eco- nomic and social sustainability. On the contrary: Medium-term corporate success must be able to build up equally on these three columns. Within the past year, we made a correspondingly large step within economic sustainability: In cooperation with the Uni- versity of Applied Science Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) a comprehensive life cycle assessment has been prepared for the entire FRAISA Group. As part of the Center for Cleantech and Sustainable Energy Systems, the Institute of Biomass and Resource Efficiency introduced a high technical competence into the project – thus, our processes could be gathered and evaluated ecologically. Work was done with a location as well as a product-related accounting, both with different strengths. Now the final report on hand allows us to compare different aspects of our activity and to draw conclusions regarding the future development. In order to monitor and measure progress, the accounting will be updated regularly within the years to come. Within the re- vision of our corporate strategy regarding the strategy cycle up to the year 2028, the sustainability topic will be more firm- ly established – also during the annual strategy review with the participation of all CEOs of the FRAISA companies and the Board of Directors. Summarized view of the ecological footprint of the FRAISA Group in tons of CO 2 equivalents For the year 2019, the life cycle assessment of the FRAISA Group’s group-wide activities causes gross emissions of around 11,000 tons of CO 2 equivalents. After deducting credits for recycling and reconditioning this results in a net worth of 9,708 tons of CO 2 equiva- lents for the entire group of companies. 9,708 tons of CO 2 -eq / year ANNUAL REPORT 2020/2021 I PROJECTS Raw materials (2,213) Consumables (374) Disposal credit (-977) Disposal expenditure (199) Logistics (296) Mobility of the employees (commuting & business trips) (1,720) Energy and water (5,883) [ 13 ]