FRAISA Annual Report 20/21
Sustainability at FRAISA Significant reduction of CO 2 emissions Implementation of valuable findings Based on the findings obtained from the life cycle assessment, the first consequences have become apparent, especially with regard to procurement processes of energy sources or vehicles. In this context, special attention will be paid to the mobility of the employees with their trips to work, to customers or oth- er business appointments. In the process, the consideration of alternative forms of mobility will be an important aspect. The same applies to the minimization or avoidance of travel by in- creasingly working in a home office and the virtual visit of, for example, trade fairs. Emissions along the supply chain, especially with regard to car- bide, cannot always be recorded or influenced easily. In the process, the ecological footprint depends strongly on the share of the recycled material used, the recycling process as well as the power mix used during production. However, in our own production halls, we are ourselves in control of everything, naturally: the recycling of the material ground out during tool production is ecologically important. Furthermore, with the new construction at the Swiss produc- tion site in Bellach, from the ecological point of view FRAISA was able to take a big step forward. By using state-of-the-art engineering and innovative technologies, the new building, which has since been occupied, will have a very positive impact on the FRAISA Group's carbon footprint. Among other things, the power consumption is reduced further by a photovoltaic system on the roof and a new oil supply system. Reduction of the ecological footprint Reduce, reuse, recycle: In the waste hierarchy of the 3R princi- ple, a move to the next step should only take place when the previous one is no longer possible. With innovative tools and optimum cutting data from FRAISA ToolExpert ® , we make a significant contribution to a longer tool life in our customers' machining centers and thus to a reduction regarding the tools used. With FRAISA ReTool ® , tools can also be reconditioned several times up to their original performance level. With this service, we guarantee that after reconditioning the customer will get back a tool which is as good as new. If a tool can no longer be reconditioned, we feed it into the recycling process using FRAISA ReToolBlue and thus close the raw material cycle. These two services contribute a great deal to the substantial improvement of the CO 2 balance. It is our long-term goal to reduce the ecological footprint to “net zero” – here, we clearly do not intend a CO 2 offset. We plan a significant reduction of actual emissions in order to make FRAISA an even more valuable company regarding the ecological perspective. At the same time, we want to continue to support our customers in pursuing the same intention. Be- cause our environment is an asset worthy of protection and in this regard, we will fulfill our responsibility. ANNUAL REPORT 2020/2021 I PROJECTS [ 15 ]