FRAISA Annual Report 20/21
Tool reconditioning with FRAISA ReTool ® Living the circular economy for precision tools Faithful to our guiding principle “passion for precision” we have been offering professional reconditioning of precision tools for over 30 years. With our high-performance FRAISA ReTool ® all-round service, we recondition around 360,000 tools a year using state-of-the-art technologies until they reach their original guaranteed performance. Thus, our customers receive their tool back in the original condition of a new tool. FRAISA ReTool ® extends the life cycle of the tools and at the same time reduces the ecological footprint through unre- stricted reuse: The industrial tool reconditioning saves around 60 tons (= NBSP) of carbide per year, which would otherwise be needed for the use of new tools. Thus, FRAISA makes a substantial contribution to the recycling of relevant raw mate- rials and to the reduction of CO 2 emissions in the metalwork- ing industry. For more sustainability and resource conservation In 2020, the FRAISA life cycle assessment was created together with the University of Applied Science Northwestern Switzer- land. It impressively demonstrates how 6 kg of CO 2 emissions can be avoided with the exemplary reprocessing of a precision tool, which would occur with the carbide production for a new tool – in particular, due to the energy-intensive processing of the raw materials tungsten and cobalt into carbide rods. With FRAISA ReToolBlue we also have a sustainable solution for tools that no longer can be reconditioned. In order to keep the material already processed into carbide within the cycle, we feed these tools into the recycling process. Thus, FRAISA offers a completely closed raw material cycle – for a maximum customer benefit and highest profitability. It is our goal to produce an environmentally friendly product in an equally environmentally friendly process through the careful use of resources, since we consider our environment to be an asset worth protecting. The tool reconditioning with performance guarantee within the framework of FRAISA ReTool ® and the closed raw material cycle through the service offer FRAISA ReToolBlue show impressively how as a company, we put this part of our values into practice. In 2021, for FRAISA ReTool ® in Switzerland we were nominated for the “Green Business Award” – further proof that we are contributing a decisive part to the reduction of the environmental impact. But our resource-saving service FRAISA ReTool ® is worthwhile for our customers as well: For a typical precision tool, the savings on reconditioning compared to buying new exceed 50 %. The organizational and logistical efforts are reduced to a minimum thanks to our all-round carefree package. ANNUAL REPORT 2020/2021 I PROJECTS [ 17 ]