FRAISA Annual Report 20/21

Completion of the new construction project in Bellach Successful occupation of the new building complex Since the start of construction in June 2019, all eyes eagerly focused on the new building project – in August 2020, the time had finally come: After 14 months of intensive planning and construction, we were able to take over and move into our new production building with the workplaces and a spacious catering area. Thanks to detailed scheduling, all the tool grinding machines were moved to the new production hall, and with the help of the manufacturing companies put back into operation within five weeks. The loss of production was kept to a minimum. Our production benefits considerably from the generous new space: now nothing stands in the way of further expansion with state-of-the-art means of production. With the new hall, FRAISA has taken another important step towards securing and further developing the Swiss business location. The new building was also an investment in another increase of our competitiveness. The overall building design, state-of-the- art techniques within the building infrastructure as well as the excellent climatic conditions additionally benefit the manufac- turing of complex precision tools and open up new possibilities. Sustainable implementation of important processes Of course, the topics of sustainability and environmental pro- tection have also played a major role in the planning. All tech- nical building systems can be operated in an energy-optimized manner, e.g. by using the Free Cooling technology as well as waste heat recovery from oil cooling. A photovoltaic system on the roof of the hall produces energy that FRAISA uses entirely for its own needs. The concept for the oil supply has also been optimized – in addition, the carbide grinding sludge is returned to the recycling process using a new oil treatment. For the FRAISA employees, the following is true: The new workplaces are an enrichment, and they support the exchange as well as the combination of different knowledge and compe- tences. Thanks to the improved starting position, work flows can be coordinated optimally. The new catering area functions as a meeting zone and is an additional benefit for the employ- ees as well as the visitors of FRAISA. The new building has fully achieved the high expectations. For FRAISA's future, this milestone will be groundbreaking and sustainable – and secure our success in the long term. ANNUAL REPORT 2020/2021 I PROJECTS [ 23 ]