FRAISA Annual Report 20/21
For us, the most important principles of the global business ethos are: • The dignity of all human beings is inviolable. • Sustainable management does not only serve personal interests. • The golden rule of mutuality: Do not do to others what you do not want done to you. This represents mutual responsibility, solidarity, fairness and tolerance. • Occupational safety, product safety and harmlessness of the products are basic requirements. • Responsibility, integrity, transparency and fairness are fundamental values of an economic life, characterized by obedience to law and integrity. • Corruption is unacceptable. • Truthfulness, honesty and reliability are values, without which sustainable eco- nomic relationships that promote general human well-being are impossible. • The discrimination of humans because of their gender, race, nationality or their reli- gion is unacceptable. Inhumane behavior or behavior violating human rights cannot be tolerated. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT [ 36 ]