FRAISA Annual Report 20/21
The topics of health and occupational safety have never been more important than during the past financial year. For FRAISA, however, it was a matter of concern not only to fulfill the respective national legal corona requirements – the em- ployees were to be offered the best possible protection at the workplace in all companies. Although there have been positive corona cases within the FRAISA Group, no one has been in- fected at the workplace. This confirms that the measures, sometimes strict, were reasonable and served the good of all. Working conditions, completely changed due to the home of- fice, have shown us unexpected positive aspects, because our employees have never been more closely networked world- wide: Through the use of videoconferencing, more colleagues were involved in the projects, and decisions were made based on a much larger knowledge base. Digital capabilities had been available before, but were now increasingly used and in- tegrated into a whole new working environment. At FRAISA in Switzerland, the home office concept was so successful that it will also be made possible to a large extent in the future, after the pandemic. In order to take even greater account of the as- pect of reconciling family and career, there will no longer be any block working hours at FRAISA in Switzerland in the future as well. Despite the increased proportion of home offices, the work- place of our employees is very important to us. Therefore, when designing the workstations in the new building in Bellach, we involved the employees and placed emphasis on ergonomic office furniture as well as optimized lighting and ventilation concepts. In the catering area, a meeting space was to be created that all employees would enjoy using. We hope to be able to use this room soon without restrictions and free of plexiglass. It is not only with regard to the premises that we attach great importance to ensuring that our employees feel at ease. There- fore, we will conduct a survey among the employees in all companies of the FRAISA Group this summer. We want to use this feedback to identify potential areas for action and make targeted improvements to remain a valued employer for all employees in the long term. In our view, appreciation is also expressed in a fair wage, both in terms of arm's length comparison as well as in terms of a equal treatment of women and men. We carry out the arm's length comparison through a comparison with the analyses of the Swissmem association – here we are above the average. For the review of equal treatment of women and men, we conducted a pay equity analysis in 2020, which was reviewed for accuracy by the auditing firm BDO. The analysis states that we do not differentiate between women and men taking into account the areas of education, field of activity and years of experience. Health and Occupational Safety New perspectives through flexible working conditions ANNUAL REPORT 2020/2021 I SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT [ 43 ]