FRAISA Annual Report 20/21
Board of Directors and Executive Board of the FRAISA Holding AG (from left to right) 1 st row: Thomas Nägelin, Dr. Markus Schibli, Dr. Fritz Gantert, Josef Maushart 2 nd row: Prof. Dr. Peter Ruf, Patrizia Kings, Charlotte Froelicher-Stüdeli, Hanspeter Kocher, 3 rd row: Florian Kennel-Maushart, Ursula Maushart, Dr. Dirk Kammermeier Corporate Governance Bodies Board of Directors and Executive Board of the FRAISA SA (from left to right) 1 st row: Stefan Gutmann Head of the Production Division Josef Maushart Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer Charlotte Froelicher-Stüdeli Member of the Board 2 nd row: Patrizia Kings Head of the Finance Division, IT, HR Dr. Markus Schibli Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Dr. Dirk Kammermeier Head of the Product Development Division 3 rd row: Hanspeter Kocher Member of the Board Thomas Nägelin Head of the Sales & Marketing Division Authorized signatories of FRAISA SA Markus Baumann Patrick Brand Rolf Bücheli Thomas Frisch Flavio Gugelmann Adrian Hangartner Adrian Hirschi Michael Hirschi Jeannette Meier Stefan Mollet Andreas Nold Dr. Johann Rechberger Kurt Schaad Stefan Senn Tiziano Sichi FRAISA Holding AG Gurzelenstrasse 7 CH-4512 Bellach Tel.: +41 (0)32 617 42 42 FRAISA SA Gurzelenstrasse 7 CH-4512 Bellach Tel.: +41 (0)32 617 42 42 ANNUAL REPORT 2020/2021 I CORPORATE GOVERNANCE BODIES [ 47 ]