FRAISA Annual Report 21/22

ANNUAL REPORT 2021 / 2022 I PROJECTS The FRAISA ToolCare ® tool management system A collaborative success story A few things have changed since the introduction of FRAISA ToolCare ® in 1996. What remains is the basic idea of this FRAISA service: The relationship between supplier and cus- tomer should be on a collaborative and trust-based level. The resulting win-win situation has developed positively over the years for all involved. FRAISA ToolCare ® is a computer-assisted and fully automatic tool management system. Individually selected tool programs can be neatly stored and efficiently managed, cloud-based software renders the operation relatively failure-free. The data is also stored at a data center to protect it from loss. FRAISA ToolCare ® consists of five modules that build on each other and that can be chosen individually. Individually adaptable to serve specific needs Currently over 740 systems are installed worldwide. These partnerships are all unique: In spite of its shared foundation in the FRAISA ToolCare ® system, tool setup is flexibly adapted to specific customer needs. Personal contact and interaction with the FRAISA application technician on site is a key element of our work with customers. This gives our customers the best possible adaptation of tool technology meeting their current requirements, without wait times, and without risk, thanks to our return guarantee. The actual system operates meanwhile in the background and its simple procedures and control elements support a smooth lo- gistics process. Developing the system further through practice In the system’s future development, the focus will still be on processes that are geared to practice and needs and that en- able quick and uncomplicated work. For this purpose, we’ve worked with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) to conduct a usability test and a direct customer survey. We’ve also surveyed our own FRAISA application technicians on this subject in order to in- tegrate their experience. All these important insights will flow directly into the continuing development of FRAISA ToolCare ® and shape it significantly. “Simple, quick, and uncomplicated” is the principle that will guide the system’s further develop- ment so that we can further increase the benefit for all part- ners to a maximum. [ 25 ]