FRAISA Annual Report 21/22
ANNUAL REPORT 2021 / 2022 I PROJECTS Fly with us: video footage of the new production site and our premises. Automated intralogistics on site in Switzerland Mobile robot systems for autonomous transport of goods Manufacturing at FRAISA in Switzerland is highly automated. Manned shifts conduct operations during the day while ful- ly autonomous machines produce on nights and weekends. Short cycle times then lead to reduced order sizes and more movements of goods and the continuous 24-hour flow of goods becomes centrally important. Currently, we consolidate orders and transport them manual- ly to the next process step. Consequently, smart intralogistics with mobile transport robots is the next logical step in the fur- ther development of today’s autonomous manufacturing pro- cesses. This is how we can process orders in the future with autonomous transport to the next location. Reducing cycle times and increasing a facility’s effectiveness In 2019, we began internal development of a pallet that is suit- able for automation using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and that will support all processes and serve as a starting point for paperless manufacturing and autonomous intralogistics. Relying on status information from the pallets, the Manufac- turing Execution System (MES) will be able to purposefully plan the flow of goods and optimize processes. This way, mobile robot systems bring a complete overview of all manufacturing and production processes in real time. This enables a dynamic control system to manage the use of operating supplies and optimized usage boosts plant effectiveness. Unmanned transport of goods is an important building block of autonomous production and it enables cost-effective 24/7 goods movement, which integrates perfectly into an un- manned operation. Autonomous movement of goods frees our employees from transport duties so that they can concentrate on core tasks. At the same time, the expansion of automation generates new technologically demanding jobs and brings the further advan- tage that our customers profit from excellent warehouse avail- ability and quick responses to their specific requirements. In this way FRAISA will remain a reliable partner in the future. Our first project for autonomous goods transport involves supplying materials for the new multi-tank cleaning system through the use of a mobile robot. We’re also focusing on the flow of goods from raw-material arrival to the warehouse system. Thanks to the flexibility of mobile systems, we can unlock additional potential step by step and extend FRAISA’s technical progress. This establishes the next steps to secure and further develop our Swiss production site. [ 27 ]