FRAISA Annual Report 21/22
ANNUAL REPORT 2021 / 2022 I PROJECTS Resource conservation with FRAISA ReToolGreen Sustainable service for used tools For many FRAISA customers, tool reconditioning with FRAISA ReTool ® is at the core of our service offerings. Tools that go through the FRAISA ReTool process get reconditioned an av- erage of 2.3 times. That means that each tool goes into use a total of 3.3 times with a service warranty, with the same cut- ting and performance parameters. But, for these 3.3 uses, only one blank is needed — so the specific use of raw materials falls by 70%. However, not all of our customers have their tools recondi- tioned, as we know from customer surveys and scientific re- search projects with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). Reasons for that could include regulatory restrictions or process requirements. In these cases our tools are unfortunately often disposed of and sent for recycling, for example as part of our FRAISA ReToolBlue service. An environmentally conscious solution for tools in use Right in the development phase, our engineers consider how we can recondition tools technically and economically. With this in mind, early disposal of tools that are not at the end of their life cycle is not in line with the FRAISA sustainability concept. For this reason we make an offer to all customers who, for their own reasons, cannot or don’t want to have their tools reconditioned with our new service FRAISA ReToolGreen: We’ll purchase the tools already in use and recondition them at our own cost. We then sell the tools to customers for whom the use of reconditioned tools makes sense — naturally including a performance guarantee. An efficient tool supply chain The reduced use of raw materials improves our environmen- tal record and protects natural resources. Tools from FRAISA ReToolGreen boost efficiency for the entire tool supply chain since they are significantly more economical to use than new tools. Our customers also benefit from advantageous condi- tions compared to regular recycling. We introduced the new FRAISA ReToolGreen service last finan- cial year on the French market. The great interest and accep- tance shown by our customers in France has encouraged us to expand the offer step by step to more markets in the future. [ 29 ]