FRAISA Annual Report 21/22
NETWORK OF THE FRAISA GROUP FRAISA SA (headquarters) CH - Bellach Principles: - Product and technology development Production: - Milling, threading and drilling tools Service and advice: - Technical advice - ToolCare ® - ReTool ® / ReToolBlue - ConcepTool - ToolSchool Training Center Sales: - Central logistics - Sales in Switzerland - Sales agent for Europe, Asia and South America FRAISA GmbH, DE – Willich Principles: - Technology development Production: - Industrial tool reconditioning FRAISA ReTool ® Service and advice: - Technical advice - ToolCare ® - ReTool ® / ReToolBlue - ConcepTool Sales: - Sales in Germany With seven branches worldwide, FRAISA is represented in all relevant markets around the globe. Each individual com- pany has very specific capabilities that make it successful. FRAISA SA in Switzerland — our headquarters — stands for innovative product and technology development as well as highly automated production. In addition, the FRAISA ToolSchool in Bellach is the hub for highly specialized know- how transfer. FRAISA GmbH in Germany is a recognized ex- pert for FRAISA ReTool ® industrial tool reconditioning. They also take care of ReTool orders from other FRAISA companies. FRAISA Hungary's state-of-the-art plant in Sárospatak man- ufactures our high-performance tools at particularly favor- able conditions. Our sales companies in China, Italy, France, and the US, as well as all our sales departments worldwide, serve as the group’s face for working with our customers: They listen to their needs and ensure that this valuable information gets put to use in our technology departments. All companies stand jointly for the FRAISA Group of com- panies and complement each other in their respective ser- vices. This way, we offer our customers worldwide the sum of all competencies and, through a maximized range of ser- vices, an additional real added value. [ 32 ]