FRAISA Annual Report 21/22

Triple sustainability Our way to the future After 41 years of defining and passionate work, Hans Stüdeli transferred the business to the younger generation in 1995. This younger generation identified, together with the staff, FRAISA’s key values and adhered to them in its general princi- ple. These key values still apply today in an unchanged manner. • Quality and technological progress regarding product and production. • Collaborative communication and high personal responsibility. • Cooperation with all partners for a mutual benefit. • Environmentally-friendly products made in environmentally-friendly processes. • Fairness in everything we do. • Preserving independence as an owner-operated company. Today, we interpret our mission statement more comprehen- sively in terms of triple sustainability: socially, ecologically and economically. We are convinced that the core of the company is a good corporate culture – which in turn is not measured by the assessment of the Executive Board but by the well-being of the employees. Only if the latter are sure that they are working for the right employer will they develop the passion that it takes to deliver top performance for “their” customers. We are convinced that this has always been true. Added to that is a heightened awareness of the vulnerability of our environment and also of our colleagues. Each and every one of us is responsible for our environment and for our fellow human beings — by our definition, this applies even more to us as a company in accordance with the principle of “owner- ship brings responsibility.” As a 4th-generation owner-operated company, we are able to live these convictions. Our company will be 88 years old this year. This we achieved by focusing on high equity ratios rather than rapid growth. Our goals are not expressed in size but in the degree in which we set an example to our employees and our partners. Our primary goal is to maintain the FRAISA Group as an owner-operated company in the next generation. But the next generation will only be inspired if FRAISA continues to strive to become even more sustainable in the triple sense: so- cially, ecologically and economically. CHF 271,086 EXPENDITURE for the support of social and cultural activities 1 V oluntary work by the members of the Executive Board and autho- rized signatories of all companies in societies, associations, political parties and other non-profit organizations 1,546 VOLUNTARY WORK 1 h ANNUAL REPORT 2021 / 2022 I SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT [ 35 ]