FRAISA Annual Report 21/22
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT FRAISA ToolCare ® 2.1 A lot of overview for more efficiency: The ToolCare ® 2.1 elec- tronic tool management system guarantees a significant pro- ductivity increase. Supported by cloud-based software, all tools used for production can be stored and found easily. More than 700 FRAISA customers are benefiting from this efficient tool management system with ToolCare ® 2.1. Continuous develop- ment of the software ensures sustainable use of ToolCare ® for customers. FRAISA ReTool ® , ReToolBlue, and ReToolGreen Sustainable and resource-conserving: After industrial recon- ditioning with FRAISA ReTool ® , used FRAISA tools are guar- anteed to regain their original performance. We use FRAISA ReToolBlue to recycle tools that have finished their service life, thus closing the raw material cycle. With FRAISA ReToolGreen, we’re expanding our recycling program for all customer re- quirements. With these processes, we reduce tooling costs for our customers and protect the environment. In this way we save more than 2,500 tons of CO 2 per year. For increasing productivity and profitabil- ity, high-performance milling tools from FRAISA are always the right choice. The ad- ditional offer of perfectly coordinated ser- vices significantly reinforces the advantages of our tools even further. By reducing effort and resource consumption, the benefits for our customers are maximized. For that rea- son our focus is on continually developing our comprehensive range of services — and naturally by increasingly using digital media. [ 38 ]