FRAISA Annual Report 21/22

ANNUAL REPORT 2021 / 2022 I SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Safety and health protection are central topics for the whole company. That’s why at FRAISA we understand safety and health as a comprehensive system that’s not just limited to the obvious minimum requirements. Efficient work methods and technologies, future-oriented work models as well as apprecia- tion, trust, and how we relate with each other likewise influence well-being and satisfaction in the workplace. So, in the autumn of 2021, we again asked our employees how they’re doing and where they see areas for improvement. With this employee survey, we took part at the same time in the “Swiss Arbeitgeber Award“ (Swiss Employer Award), whose evaluation also gave us a direct comparison to other compa- nies. After the long COVID-19 pandemic, this comparison was very important for us: It helped us to assess whether we had improved or gotten worse in our own historical comparison or whether the pandemic had temporarily changed and influ- enced the feedback. An additional action point for more appreciation Winning third place in the “Swiss Arbeitgeber Award“ (Swiss Employer Award) in the category “Unternehmen mit 100-249 Mitarbeitenden” (companies with 100-249 employees) made us especially glad. This makes us the highest-rated industrial company in this category. It’s our goal to make further im- provements to become a still more attractive employer for cur- rent and also future employees. For that reason, we’ve taken up the topic “Employee Leadership and Feedback” as an ac- tion point for this year, even though it’s at a very high level compared to other companies. Improving the foundation for conversation through optimized questionnaires We’ve discussed our questionnaire and the evaluation scales critically with our employees and we’ve worked out an opti- mized version together with company management and the “Safety and Health at Work” strategic work group. The adapt- ed questionnaire now offers a better foundation for conversa- tion and a clear analysis of improvement potential. We expect it to give more conclusive feedback and transparent assess- ments, and these will both bring more security and well-being for our employees. We’ll foster employees’ improvement po- tential by offering professional development opportunities. In this way we’ll ensure that all our employees feel secure in their knowledge in the workplace. Health and occupational safety Optimizing and expanding employee surveys “Swiss Arbeitgeber Award“ (Swiss Employer Award) With responses from over 46,000 employees in 165 com- panies, the “Swiss Arbeitgeber Award“ (Swiss Employer Award) is the largest survey of its kind in Switzerland. Eighty-two percent of our staff evaluated us with a questionnaire of about 60 questions covering all rele- vant aspects of the work environment. The Board of Directors and the management thank all employees for their participation in the survey on em- ployer desirability and are glad to have our employees’ appreciation. [ 41 ]