FRAISA Annual Report 21/22

1,152,409 EXPENDITURE for education and training ANNUAL REPORT 2021 / 2022 I SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CHF Learning at FRAISA Heading to the future with individual professional development In the previous year, we systematically added minimum and maximum requirements to our salary groups. Building on that, we’ve looked closely at discrepancies and developed an individ- ually tailored professional development plan for each employee. In addition to appropriate language courses for staff, we’ve also conducted English courses for all interested employees, though only in digital form, for now. Our goal with this is to introduce English step by step as a company language and to steadily improve global communication. Promoting special talent We’re making progress with our talent management too: We’ve determined personal requirements in our selection procedure and put them to use for the first time. We’ve put development as a manager or as a technical specialist on equal footing here. With this special program, we’d like to comprehensively pro- mote all special talent. This includes not only a higher tertiary training path but also parallel training courses in areas like staff management and project management. [ 43 ]