FRAISA Annual Report 21/22

Editorial ANNUAL REPORT 2021 / 2022 I EDITORIAL Dear customers, colleagues, and readers Looking back at the 2021-22 financial year, we can say that we’ve weathered the two years of the COVID-19 pandemic successfully. Our transaction volume has returned to its lev- el from before the crisis and the Group has correspondingly been financially successful overall. Turnover and overall success during the financial year were remarkably positive, making this one of the most successful years in FRAISA’s history. And we were able to implement or launch various projects just as suc- cessfully in the past year. I’m glad that we have a selection of outstanding projects to present to you in the pages that follow. Considering the overall economic situation, we have to assume that uncertainties will persist. We see such uncertainties when we look at continuing supply-chain problems and rising pro- curement prices, the tense global political situation, or the his- torically strong Swiss franc. Time will tell whether this geopo- litical turning point also leads to a turning point for economic globalization . In spite of all that, we’re upbeat about the future and we assume that the financial year now beginning can be a good one too. The franc’s continuing strength is a particular challenge for the Swiss economy. We will be able to successfully meet this chal- lenge only with state-of-the-art production technology along with artificial intelligence and professional development for our workforce. Fortunately, we have outstanding technologies at our disposal that can help compensate for the disadvantages in labor cost that come with being located in Switzerland. In the long term, the difference in inflation rates between Swit- zerland and other countries can help make Switzerland more attractive thanks to its moderate increases in wages. I thank all of you on the FRAISA team for the incredible effort that you have given again this year. And I thank you, our dear customers, for your loyalty. That’s the foundation upon which we’re able to look confidently into the new financial year. I invite you all to read the exciting news here, and at the same time I wish you a successful financial year! Josef Maushart Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer Yours sincerely, [ 5 ]