


FRAISA ToolExpert® – New products and online interfaces available

FRAISA ToolExpert® – New products and online interfaces available

As a basis for an efficient production, our FRAISA ToolExpert® online cutting data calculator provides you with the perfect application data via plug-and-play with just a few clicks. To ensure the safety of your machining processes, FRAISA invests around 50% of its total development budget in the development of precise application parameters - around 2 million data items are currently available for download. Of course, you can now also view the optimal cutting data and application cases for our new products.

FRAISA managed to make another step in process optimization by directly integrating data by using online interfaces. By including an XML or JSON interface, a direct import of cutting data into the CAM or TDM systems hyperMILL® (OPEN MIND), mdm (mdm software), NX (SIEMENS) and TopSolid is now possible. This significantly reduces time requirements and the susceptibility to error compared to manual data entry.

To help you select the perfect tool, the best strategy, and the appropriate cutting parameters, we at FRAISA will constantly continue to develop the FRAISA ToolExpert® and the interface technology further.

Check out FRAISA ToolExpert® and see the advantages for yourself:

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