


X-tap header

Xtap – one tap
for everything


20% greater


30 % longer
tool life


One tool for steel
and stainless steel


Comprehensive range

Through hole and blind hole


Top quality

Six-axis grinding technology


Verified application

  • Wear-resistant HSS-PM/F
  • Low-friction AlCrTiN coating
  • Optimized flutes
  • Precise cutting edge rounding
  • Low-force spiral point

Xtap – Six-axis grinding technology opens up new geometry horizons for maximum universality

With the Xtap, FRAISA is launching a fundamentally new design of universal tap that’s based on state-of-the-art grinding technology. The Xtap has been specially developed for use in CNC machines for tapping threads in through and blind holes.

As a universal tool for thread tapping, the Xtap combines maximum process reliability with maximum universality. This wide range of material applicability reduces the number of tools required and at the same time offers you the benefit of increased efficiency.

The combination of proven FRAISA technologies like the stable cutting geometry and innovative features such as the newly designed chip space geometry guarantees reliable application in the thread-cutting process.

Thanks to the innovative coating known as FRAISA-AlCrTiN, steels, stainless steels, and also acid-resistant steels can be machined with maximum process reliability.

Xtap new geometry horizons
Xtap vs. conventional tool

The capabilities of the Xtap are demonstrated by its applicability in a wide variety of materials. In addition to high process reliability, superior results can also be achieved in terms of thread quality.

As well as developing the tool, our engineers also examined the process behavior of the Xtap very closely. Extensive tests were performed to determine exact application data, which can be found in the catalog. Maximum process reliability and a long tool life are the outcome, which in turn results directly in increased cost-effectiveness.

Xtap – the perfectly coordinated system for maximum performance, tool life, and process reliability when tapping threads.

Supplementary service offers for FRAISA Xtap


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